Tag: indonesia

Normal Jika Pemerintah Harus Selalu Adu Ulet dengan PMA Tambang

By Dr Sony Rospita Simanjuntak (published in Minergynews. Com in 2001) [Pengamat Hukum Pertambangan Indonesia dan Peneliti di Kantor Konsultan Hukum Arthur Robinson & Hedderwicks, di Melbourne, Australia] Ada orang berkata bahwa manusia yang hanya mengandalkan hasil alam, seperti tambang, daripada hasil suatu budidaya atau industri adalah bak binatang saja (tanpa akal budi). Bahan galian […]

Objectives and Policies of the Indonesian Mineral Sector Development

By Sony Rospita Simanjuntak (1995) 1 Objectives As applied elsewhere, Indonesia’s mineral development constitutes only one element of its total national development. Therefore, the development must be structured to fit into the total economic development plan. Today, Indonesia has just commenced the second long term development plan. [Indonesia adopts a 25 year long term development […]